Saturday, 27 June 2020

Obidos, Caldas da Rainha e Foz do Arelho

So today our adventure took us to Obidos first and afterwards we went for lunch at where we had the absolutely best meal yet!  From the food, service, friendly staff to the decoration it was top class and we highly recomend it 👌 Our next stop was at Caldas da Rainha where we had a relaxing stroll through Parque Dom Carlos I and finally ended our adventure at Foz do Arelho.

Obidos :-   Óbidos was actually presented to Queen Urraca in 1214 on her wedding day and this tradition continued until the 19th century.  Although small there is a lot to do and see in Óbidos, for example the town walls encircle Óbidos and one can walk around it. One must certainly get to drink "ginjinha d' Óbidos" which is a sweet drink (alcoholic liqueur) often served in a chocolate cup.  Don't miss the beautiful "Porta da Vila", which is the main gateway into Óbidos.  There are lots of exquisite little shops and restaurants leading off from the gorgeous cobbled streets that one needs to explore.  If you want to stay over there are also lots of rooms and houses for you to pick from.  Enjoy the fotos.  

Friend nº 1

Friend nº 2

Friend nº 3

Now let's go for lunch at Solar dos Amigos

Hamburger vegetariana com acompanhamento de batata doce, batata assada e legumes salteado 

Mais acompanhamento de açorda, arroz e feijão preto

Galo assado com batata e açorda

A parte doce:-  sericaia, pudim de ovos, doce de banana e doce de caramelo salgado 

A seguir rumamos até Caldas da Rainha e até ao Parque Dom Carlos I para queimar umas calorias 😁
Caldas da Rainha or "Spas of the Queen" was given this name because Queen Leonor who was herself rheumatic put the waters to the test and felt relief from her affliction so she ordered the construction  of a thermal hospital so that others might benefit too.  


Weird looking tree

Look what's hiding!

Friend nº 4

This tree won't get cold 😂

To finalize our amazing day we went to a drive to Foz do Arelho.  The beach at Foz do Arelho is a natural wonder, to one side of the large sandy strip is the Atlantic Ocean, to the other side are the tranquil waters of Óbidos Lagoon.  The warm salty waters of the Lagoon are ideal for kids and there are a variety of water sports.  On the seaward side and because the waves can be much bigger it is a popular surf spot but the water is considerably colder. 

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Let's go to Setubal

Today our adventure took us to Miradouro Portinho de Arábida, Setubal, Miradouro S. Sebastião and all the gorgeous surroundings.  Back on our side of the world we stopped at Nina Crepes for some sweet things aha.  Enjoy the pics!!