Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Day trip to Fatima

Here we took a day trip to visit the Shrine of our Lady of Fatima.  The town Fátima is  home to the Sanctuary of Fátima, a Catholic pilgrimage site. On the site there is a  Capelinha das Aparições which marks the spot where the Virgin Mary allegedly appeared in 1917 to three sheppard children. Other sacred sites include the Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Rosário, with its golden angels, and the modern church  Santíssima Trindade. Make time to also visit the wax museum which in our view is really worth the money ;)
Go to the site for info.  http://www.mucefa.pt

The prices are as follows:-
adults - (more than 12 years) 7,50€
children - (7 - 12 years) 4,50€
There is a 20% discount for.  seniors (more than 65 years), University students(more than 25 years) and there is a Family ticket (min 2 adults + 2 children)

And our lunch, which was excellent :P

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