Showing posts with label Costa Nova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Costa Nova. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Aveiro e Avanca

Pois este Domingo depois de termos cumprido o nosso dever (sim fomos votar logo pela manhã) lá fomos nos a caminho de Aveiro e Avanca.

 Our first pit-stop

 Arrival in Aveiro

  Aveiro Cathedral (SÉ) also known as São Domingos Church

 Forum Aveiro

 Our colourful "moliceiros"

 What people like to call the Portuguese Venice, but I don't, it's our very own Ria de Aveiro!

 One of the various statues found around the canals

 Beautiful colourful houses

 Consulting the route

 Weird shaped bridges

 Amazing tiles in various colours and designs

Capela S. Gonçalinho has a very weird tradition :)  Here they have a feast loved by all that come from the Beira-Mar neighbourhood.  It is held on the Sunday closest to the 10th of January during which promises are paid to the Holy by throwing kilos of sweet cavacas from the summit to the public :) 

 Time for lunch at Restaurante Bolide, the food was good but the woman serving was a sour puss!  There were these two grannies with their grand kid and the poor child at the end of the meal by mistake dropped a glass and naturally it broke and this woman apart from putting on the most rude, arogant face made them pay for it!  I'll never go there again and I'm sure all those people at the reataurant at the time thought the same.

 A traditional sweet from Aveiro called ovos moles, they're delicious but fattening!

 Loads of cafes and little souvenir shops to delight you!

 One of the cutest and unusual little shops we saw.

 Paroquia de Vera Cruz, the inside is absolutely amazing, see below!!

 The next batch of photos were taken at Parque da Cidade.  This park is gorgeous and so well looked after.  Info all here, although it's free ;)

Saw this on a wall

 Next we went to have a look at the very exquisite houses in Costa Nova.

 They certainly reminded me a little of Sweden ;)

Our next stop was in Avanca my Hubbies hometown.  We went there to show our daughter as she hadn't been there yet. Avanca is small but it is known for the Egas Moniz Museum (which was closed), the Chapel St. Luzia and the train station still with the gorgeous original tiles. 

 Train station

 And then a perfect finish to a lovely day!