So tickets have been purchased via Ryanair, accommodation booked via
So I used in case anyone is interested and you'll get a discount using my link ;)
This is what the studio looks like and it's very near to the Sanctuary and the centre. Our host, Momo came and pick us up at the Gare and took as around showing us where everything was and then kindly gave us the keys to the flat but it also had a code so it was easy to get in at night, no fumbling around with a key 😼 The place was exactly as the pictures and so, so cozy and absolutely spotless! We had excellent free wi-fi all the time. Also note that the time there was an hour more than that in Portugal,
About Lourdes, all I can say is that it is absolutely magical not sure if it's because of the time of the year but I was totally blown away with it's beauty and the colours OMW! Please note that you'd be totally wrong in thinking that Lourdes is just for the religious folk NO, far from it, Lourdes is that and so much more, there is so much to do and see apart from the Sanctuary of Lourdes . Check out what we did during this short mini-break to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary 😉😜
First day - 26th Nov 2019
Ryanair as expected left on time 12:05 and we bought priority and choose seats 27 E & D. I actually got frisked down due to the ear-rings I was wearing making the machine go off aha. As it was raining when we boarded we all looked like drowned rats. We experienced just a wee bit of turbulance (which to me was a lot aha) I know it might sound weird my fear of flying since I so love to travel lol but the flight was just an hour and a half so it went quickly! So basically the first day as we arrived in the afternoon we went to our flat, unpacked by the time we had lunch it was actually already 17h local time 16h in Portugal we then took a stroll around to see our surroundings and do some shopping for food. PS just a note on both our flight to/from Lourdes the plane was pretty empty and most peeps moved and changed seats at pleasure aha PPS and we met this one really weird lady that kept on speaking about the energies she felt and the fact that she's been on a mission for goodness knows how long. She would pick up every bit of paper or butt of cigerette she found...I think they should award her a medal, see Greta someone actually worries ;) I never got her name but she was interesting and very mysterious!
Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport
Our home for the coming days
Form this litle varanda we saw the most gorgeous sun rises and settings
Everywhere one goes they have these hearts
This was our breakie at home

Day 2 - 27th Nov. 2019
Woke up very early at 5am and decided to start making breakie, it's now 7am and still pitch dark and very cold outside but inside it's heaven. Today the idea is to go see the Sanctuary of Lourdes and all it's surroundings. Whether you're a believer or not there is no denying that this place is amazing and enormous! We lit candles for everyone and drank water from the taps that come from the Massabielle Grotto where our Lady is supposed to have appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous 18 times in 1858 and where she discovered a source of water today considered miraculous. The water is ice cold and tasted delicious. I didn't go to the baths because the queue was too long but maybe next time,,,
The Gave de Pau river, which runs through Lourdes
Obviously everywhere one looks one can see the mountains and the shops along the streets are all carrying souvenirs of religious objects, from rosaries, to bottled water, to key rings, t.shirts but all with pictures of the Sanctuary of Lourdes.
Early morning mist and very cold.
O Alvaro a segurar a taça que um dia o SCP vai ganhar 😉😜
O Rei e a Rainha de Lourdes
The Grotto de Massabielle
Mass is held throughout the day in various languages and anyone can go up take the mike and pray.
The river runs with incredible force!
Snow on the mountain tops
The following are the stations of the cross
Loved all the different colours of the leaves and the trees
Lunch at home
This is where Bernadette was born on the 7th January 1844 a year after the marriage of her parents Louise Casrérot and François Soubirous. She lived here for the first 10 years of her life and one can still see her childhood bedroom, along with the house's mill machinery. We didn't go in because at the time it was closed.
A little friend we found 😻😍
Yeah we even found this on the ground aha
Musee de Cire de Lourdes, didn't get to go inside either because this too was closed for renovations we think.
A walk around the cemetery
The colours, oh the colours!
My car, bought on the spot
Where Bernadette lived with her parents
The Family sinks to misery with the unemployment of Fraçois during the winter of 1857 and they are forced to settle in Le Cachot (a former prison until 1824). This consisted of a single, dark and cold room of 16 square meters where the whole family would live until the autumn of 1858.
Alvaro the smurf as a friend pointed out :)
...and I the luminous condom aha
Les Halles Market were one can find anything from meat, cheese, pastries and veggies. Everything way more expensive than in Portugal.
Walking to Pic de Jer
Another little friend
Chateau de Soum was originally called "Villa Fournau" and then "The Castle Of Soum". It was built by the architect Jean-Marie Lacrampe for the Fournau family. Later it was bought by Mrs. Suberville, who sold it to the city of Lourdes. Today, the building houses musical, cultural and artistic associations.
One can also climb the Pic du Jer using bikes or going on foot, eish not for me! :)
Funiculaire Pic du Jer, this is where one will find the best views of the Pyrenees from Lourdes. It overlooks the town and can be recognised by its big cross which is lit up at night.
You can reach it by taking a hundred-year-old funicular, which will take you to the top at an altitude of 1000 metres in a few minutes; a very scenic journey…
At the top, a walking trail will take you to the observatory, where you will find a unique panoramic viewpoint offering a 360° view of Lourdes, Tarbes, Pau, the Argelès Gazost valley and the peaks of the Pyrenees.
...and our little friend once again
Look at the colours again!
Day 4 - 29th Nov 2019 (Our Wedding Anniversary)
Just loved this building!
Hotel Belfry and another little friend
Magical views from Château Fort
Chateau Fort Pyrenean Museum it is both a thrilling historical landmark and an important museum documenting life in the surrounding region. The views are unbelievably beautiful and once you're done with taking the 1001 photos head inside to a museum packed with artifacts from the Pyrenean past to learn about life in the mountains over the different eras. Do not miss the gardens outside and the miniture building made from stone! The best part is that you get all this for only 7,50€!
We came and we conquered ;)
The Museum was absolutely amazing too!
Once again the views and the colours!
I climbed all of 104 steps ( I counted them!)
Not sure why the coins are placed here? Anybody know?
...and down I go 😜
We left our hearts here
But we weren't the only ones ;) wonder who they were, they were there on the same day as us, so if you're reading this say hello :)
Miniture houses
Had our anniversary dinner here, lovely all you can eat buffet for 19,99 each
Filling up with water for us to drink, ice cold it was!
We also left our mark here aha
My present, loved it!
Packing to go back home :(
Cara de quem não lhe apetece ir embora :)
Apanhar o comboio até o Aeroporto de Tarbes
Unfortunately all good things come to an end :( We loved every minute of our trip and promise to return!
Some time for shopping!
Ryanair on time as per usual!
...and we´re ready for take off again ;)
The Eagle has landed!
Back in Lisbon airport, hope to see you all soon again :)
Au revoir see you next year!